Labflex commits to Set Science-Based Climate Targets

A Major Step Forward for Sustainability

Labflex is excited to announce our official commitment to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). This commitment marks a significant step in our journey toward a brighter future. Aligning our climate action plans with the most stringent scientific methodologies available today.

Joining Forces for a Greener Tomorrow

Joining the SBTi places Labflex among a global network of businesses that are leading the way towards reducing emissions. Our commitment involves setting science-based emission reduction targets that address not only our direct activities but also our broader impact across the entire value chain.

We pledge to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions across all scopes. Specifically, we aim to cut our scope 1 and 2 emissions by 42% before the year 2030.

Furthermore, we also commit to reducing our scope 3 emissions by 25%. This is a holistic approach to tackling emissions from direct and indirect sources. Therefore, it underscores our commitment to sustainability and our responsibility towards creating a brighter future.

Our Commitment: Clear and Measurable Goals

The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) has developed targets aligned with the ambitious goals of the Paris Agreement. Labflex’s reduction target has been approved by the SBTi, ensuring they meet stringent scientific criteria and contribute effectively to limiting global warming.

Transparency and Engagement

Labflex is dedicated to maintaining transparency as we develop and implement our climate targets as well as continuously reporting on our climate impact. We invite our customers, partners, and other interested parties to stay informed and engaged as we take concrete steps towards our sustainability goals.

Read more about sustainability at Labflex.

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